What a Closed-Minded Guy… And Possibly a Hypocrite?

ESPN Radio and TV personality Colin Cowherd is really living up to his name. This is a man who is seemingly afraid of change and/or any “outsiders” barging in and bursting his little bubble. Check out this closed-minded rant about a subject he seems to know little to nothing about. I find it ironic though, how he, as well as others like him look down on this simply because it’s a “game” and they don’t “get it.” There are plenty of people out there who say the same things he says, only about Football or Baseball or Golf (which is something I totally understand by the way…. man, is that boring!) but that doesn’t stop anyone from enjoying it, and no one ever looks down on them for it either. Its fairly ironic seeing a “sports nerd” get so riled up and angry toward “videogame nerds” just for being excited about watching a game play out before their eyes, while not even realizing that he and others like him make a living doing the exact same thing. I fail to see how this is any different to be honest from “real” sports, at least from a commentary perspective. Maybe this guy just doesn’t like “nerds”… or maybe he’s just a jerk. What do you think? Check out the video below and decide for yourself.



Video posted by Josh Doodz

Author: JTRex

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