League of Legends just got a tech upgrade, and this is no small undertaking, these PROJECT skins need a very special introduction. On the next page we have the latest promo videos for these cyborg inspired skins from the official League of Legends youtube channel. And I have to say, they went out of the way to highlight these amazing skins, so check them out. Following in the style of PROJECT Yasuo, champions Lucian, Leona, Fiora, Zed and Master Yi are all recreated with new effect and particles. And if that wasn’t enough, check out the Alpha Strike deal, getting you early access to the skin in addition to a custom champion border. Looks good when loading up against your enemies on the rift! I know I will be getting a few of these. These skins have a lot of extra put into them, so they are on the higher scale of riot points, at 1350(around 10 us dollars) it is worth it, though the Master Yi skin is a Legendary Tier Skin and costs 1820. With new voices over lines, new animations, new particles and special effects during his ultimate, the Legendary Tier makes sense. So head over and get a look! Enjoy the PROJECT Overdrive teaser animation!