The drastic changes to Warsong Commander have finally gone live. The Grim Patron Warrior deck is no more thanks to Blizzard nerfing Warsong Commander harshly. With the deck in shambles, one wonders what would happen if Blizzard took that same approach to other decks shaping cards, one like Kripparrian that is. On the next page, Kripp has a great video looking into a handful of other over powered cards that could use the same treatment, and uses Warsong as a base to over nerf everything. Could we ever see these “Blizzard” style changes? Probably not, but while watching this video, I could not help but agree with Kripp’s ideas. Then again, I share the same hated Kripp has for cards like Mad Scientist and Mysterious Challenger, so I might be a bit biased. Whatever the case may be, all these cards are strong enough to warp the game around them, and nerfs my come down the line. Until then, check out these changes, and see if you agree with them. I know I do.