There is a lot to consider when playing League of Legends at the highest level, and one thing that pros do all the time, maybe without you noticing, is controlling the minions. If you watch any events, you will usually hear casters talking about freezing waves, or bouncing the waves onto the towers. It may look so simple, but there is a lot going on, and on the next page we have 2 videos showing you how to manipulate these little gold carriers. First, Dong Huap shows you the full process of freezing, and how it can make huge waves of minions that will force your opponents attention. And next, SoloRenektonOnly shows how working with the wave can make for easy lane control and ganks. If you want to take your League games seriously, you need use this info in game, or else you may fall behind in gold and experience. Check out these great videos and use these tactics to climb ranked!