Who Is Getting An Update Now?
We are just getting set for League of Legend’s Patch 5.14 and now this! If you need catch up, check out the patch info here, and once you get up to speed come and see the latest updated champion: Fiora! The Duelist had a few problems matching up with opponents, FIZZANDCHIPS says: Compared to a few of our recent updates, we launched Fiora pretty darn recently. Still, she’s one of them tricksy melee marksmen/fighter types...
Get Ready For League of Legend’s Big Update!
We got a lot to cover here, and the official League of Legends Youtube page has the video to fill you in, so come prepared and leave victorious! This latest patch has tons of new goodies, and a pirate theme to go along with it, thanks to the Gangplank Champion Update. If you have yet to check that out we have you covered here. Along with his new play are item remakes and nerfs and buffs to many champions. Has your favorite...
Best in the World? You Decide After These Plays!
League of Legend’s pros are all pushing for Worlds, and for one player, the run to get back there has been amazing. Season 3 Champion’s SKT Telecom 1 are making another spectacular run, so far going undefeated in the LCK Series in Korean, and on the next page you can see why. The Test Subjects bring us a montage of Faker’s plays so far this season. SKT 1’s star mid laner and best player in the world...
New Play For A Classic League Original!
If you haven’t already seen, Gangplank is getting an upgrade, you can catch up to speed here. And for those who have kept their eyes on this fierce pirate, I got a video to help you out once his update goes live with the next patch. On the next page we have the official Champion Spotlight for our favorite Pirate Champion! Gangplank was one of the original champions, so he has kept some of his signatures moves, but, his...
You Try Harder When Everybody Is Watching.
Former NA LCS Pro and popular streamer Voyboy is always out to entertain his fans. And as you will see in the video on the next page from Irbilha, sometimes, he tries a bit too hard. Playing a skill based champion like Ahri is tough for a player of any level, but you never expect this kind of play from a pro. I watched and laughed, and I bet you will too, so enjoy a fail or two, or three. I honestly lost count. If...
Top Plays And Close Games From Challenger Players!
Over the past couple of seasons, if you look near the top of League of Legend’s Challenger ranks, you will see Nightblue3. Always a great and informative streamer, we now get daily youtube videos, and I couldn’t be happier to watch them. As it is hard to catch your favorite streamer all the time, so getting some highlights and close moments in a nice package is much appreciated, and when you get videos like the...