One NA Player Tries To Carry His Team To Worlds
Usually at the top of the standings going into playoffs, this year, Team Solo Mid is in 5th place. With no bye week to prepare, things are out of order in the NA, but TSM’s star mid laner, Bjergsen, is going to put the team on his back and hope to reach Worlds. But he never had to do this before, and in Thorin’s latest article on, we get a look at how Bjergsen got here, as Thorin says: A boy grew up...
From Zero to Hero– Err…. Champion!
I never really considered what actually goes into making a good cosplay. I have never personally tried it, nor do I have any intention to. However that doesn’t mean I have no recognition of the work, passion and raw talent that goes into these costumes. I just found this video earlier today and felt the need to share it. Seeing a normal person literally transform into Iron Solari Leona is a true sight to behold. The level...
Top 10 Champions Used By The Pros!
Recently, people have been ranking the top mid laners of League of Legends history, and while the lists are usually the same, one thing has gone under the radar. Everybody seems to forget about what champions these pros are choosing. But not Ryan Tang of, as he talks in his latest article about the champions used to dominate mid, and there are so many. Ryan goes the extra mile to bring out his top 10 mid lane...
Amazing League of Legend’s Tower In Brazil!
For an up coming League of Legends event in Brazil, they built something massive, something you just have to see. We all know that in game, towers are a big part of the rift, and taking down one means a lot. They are big objectives and when you try to make them to scale, you get some thing like this: At around 29 feet, this is an impressive tower, great work Riot Brazil! What is even better is the night time view:...
10 Champions You Never Want To Face!
There are always those select champions that get under your skin, the ones that, when you see on the other side, just boil your blood. These hated champions can sometimes end the game for you at the loading screen. Assassins snowballing out of control, or bursty mages left alone to destroy entire teams come to mind for me, and also in the video on the next page from Jeremy “Gaming Curios”. His top 10 hits all the...
NO WAY… How Could They???
I can’t believe I’m about to type this: Gangplank is DEAD!!! WHAT? Oh, but millions of Champions die every day, you say. This is true, however that isn’t quite true when you realize this death did NOT occur in-game, but during the story! Apparently lore is king in this game, and Riot is taking said lore quite seriously. Champion death is unprecedented in League of Legends, and we do not take it lightly. We...