Everybody Else Is Trash! Watch The Best Of Doublelift

Everybody Else Is Trash! Watch The Best Of Doublelift

  The Summer Split was filled with high points for CLG, perfectly capped off with an undefeated playoff run to claim the 1st NA seed, and at the middle of that was their ADC Doublelift.  We got a great highlight video from this past split on the next page from OPLOLReplay.   Filled with Pentakills and plenty of outplays, Doublelift puts on his carry pants and shows NA why he is the best ADC, and why everybody else is trash. ...

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Stream Highlights From A Legend!

Stream Highlights From A Legend!

  There are only a few original League of Legends pros still playing at a high level.  Early scene favorites like Hotshot and Reginald have stepped back to manage their teams and businesses.  For Froggen, the game never stopped, and while his team Elements only finished 7th place in the EU LCS Summer Split, his drive to play has not stopped.  And we are glad, because while he has time off, we get to see some streaming and some...

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Element’s Jungler Speaks Out!

Element’s Jungler Speaks Out!

  Elements is in a team limbo right now, as they did not make playoff to participate in Worlds, and they also did not finish low, being they had no need for relegation matches to fight for their LCS spot.  This down time has been filled with lots of streaming and solo queue climbing.  I also gives players time to sit down and discuss their situation, just like Element’s Jungler Dexter did with Kayde of summoners-inn.de. ...

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A Great Argument For A League Sandbox Mode!

A Great Argument For A League Sandbox Mode!

  Sports Psychologist are being used by eSports teams to make sure their players stay level headed during intense competition.  Weldon Green is one of them, recently working with NA LCS 1st seed CLG and 3rd seed Cloud 9.  You can see the result of his work, clearly these teams benefited from his service, and on the next page, Weldon has placed a video onto his Mind Game Consulting youtube channel pushing for a feature to help all...

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It’s Just a Game…and So Much More Than a Game…

It’s Just a Game…and So Much More Than a Game…

In this touching tribute from Trevorghost on this LoL sub-Reddit, I was reminded that League of Legends, though a game I am passionate about, is just a game.  But at the same time it is so much more than a game.  It is a community of human beings, all of whom play the game for their own, sometimes very personal, reasons.  In the tribute, Trevorghost tells us of his time taking a novice player, Nachovy, under his wing to try to teach...

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Historical Context of FNATIC’s 18:0

Historical Context of FNATIC’s 18:0

  Going into Worlds as the best League of Legend’s team in the west, Fnatic’s undefeated LCS season gives them strength going into groups.  Fnatic isn’t the only LCS team to go into Worlds with an impressive record, and on the next page, we have Thorin’s Thoughts on the history of their incredible summer split.  Season 3 saw Cloud 9 going into Worlds with an amazing record, last year Alliance went in and...

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