Blizzard Speaks On Arena! What Are They Saying?
Back from a tour of Pax Prime, Kripparrian’s latest video talks about something dear to him, and many other Hearthstone fans, Arena. Kripp speaks on the topic and on the comments made by Ben Brode, Hearthstone’s lead developer, and things get interesting. Surprisingly to most Hearthstone fans, Blizzard does think of Arena balance and wants to work on it. Will they be working on helping out Warrior in Arena, and...
Thank You RNG! Lucky Hearthstone Plays!
Hearthstone can be a game of skill and strategy, but as Trolden likes to remind us, there is also a ton of lucky involved! On the next page you can check out the latest Funny and Lucky Moments series, and with all the new Grand Tournament cards, the random aspect of the game has increased. Murlock Knights summoning Murlock Knights summoning even more Knights! Ambushes from Rouges that put 3 4/4 minions into play turn 2 and...
What Does It Take To Win ATLC 250k Tournament?
Only 4 team remain in the ATLC, and all want the top share of this massive $250,000 prize pool, but how will they do it? Over a, RexVayu looks over all the stats of the regular season, as team prepare for the finals starting September 11th. In this team based tournament, see what RexVayu has to say about the “carries”, the players who are doing the heavy lifting to bring their team to victory:...
How to Win In Arena With TGT Cards!
The Grand Tournament expansion has brought a lot to Hearthstone, and while constructed seems to be the same, Arena is changing, and if you want to hit that 12 win loot, then check out the video on the next page. Frequent Arena visitor Kripparrian his first impressions of the new Arena environment. In his latest youtube video, he runs through a few classes that have changed, especially top tier heroes Mage and Paladin, and...
Taking Down The Patron Warrior!
A recent ranked surge has lead streamer, and youtube content creator, Kripparrian, to the Legend rank! And at the top, his uncommon decks have found a way to tackle the best, even when faced up against the top tier and very annoying Patron Warrior. On the next page, we have a video showing Kripp hand these high ladder ranked Warriors a bunch of losses, and to show them that they are not unstoppable. Though, matches were...
Checkout How TGT Has Changed Hearthstone! has tons of Hearthstone knowledge on their site, and one of the best pieces they offer, is The Meta Snapshot. The latest snapshot has The Grand Tournament expansion mixed in, and a few new decks are popping up in top tier decks, and bringing back some over looked cards, like Secretkeeper. How is Secretkeeper being used? In Secret Paladin decks: Similar to Patron Warrior nobody thought Mysterious Challenger...