Can Dreadsteed Be Usable?

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Many new of the newest Hearthstone cards have unique abilities, but only one can bring itself back from the dead, Dreadsteed.  This Warlock only epic minion has a deathrattle that will bring it right back into the playing field.  Unless you silence it, there is no way to remove this guy, good thing he is only a 1/1 minion.  But sometimes that is all you need, as you can see from the video on the next page, Kripparrian has made a deck around Dreadsteed.  Not as flashy as something like Grim Patron decks, and not as fast as a Zoo type Warlock deck, Dreadsteed just doesn’t die and even takes advantage of this trait.  Check out this awesome use of a card that people seemed to over look.  There is the glaring weakness of being silenced, but as you can see, when it doesn’t get silence, the game is basically over.


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Author: JTRex

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