Top Players At Worlds! #6 and 5
Over at, we have today’s two entrants into their top 20 players at Worlds, and we are adding some big names. At number 6 today, LGD’s supports Pyl takes the honors, and then we have Rookie at number 5. Pyl is more than just a support for his team, as Emily Rand says: While shot-calling and mediating are indubitably the qualities that make him top-tier, Pyl is no slouch mechanically, manipulating...
A New Support For HotS!
A new Hero enters into battle on the Nexus, as the official Heroes of the Storm channel has a video spotlight for Lt. Morales, from Starcraft! It is no surprise that his medic is a healer and support type character, but on the next page, you can see that this is some serious healing. And when not helping out with on the field healing, Lt Morales is able to use a dropship to transport herself and allies, now that is a heroci...
Arena Stats You Need To Know!
When building an Arena deck, some of the cards with the most value are the ones that are able to clear the board, cards like Flamestrike and Lightening Storm fit this category. Being able to wipe out more than one creature in one shot can change a game from a loss to a win in one turn, but with randomly generated cards to choose from, what is the chance you can grab one, and what is the chance of going up against one? Well we...
Top Players At Worlds! #8 and 7!
Today we get a support and adc combo for top players at Worlds series. At number 8 we have one of the few players who has attended all five Worlds, Fnatic’s veteran support and leader, Yellowstar. And while his first World’s appearance saw his there as an adc himself, since then, he has been going as one of the best supports in at the Tournament. Frank Fields has more on the hard work Yellowsats...
Ten Best Champions For 5.18 Jungle!
Patch 5.18 has been tuned for Worlds, and while there have been a bunch of changes since the Juggernauts came out a few patches age, the jungle has been relatively untouched. But that does not mean things have changed, as you can tell by the video on the next page, there are plenty of viable junglers. Pants Are Dragon has made a top 10 video for the junglers of this patch. With a few tweaks to Elise and Lee Sin, we see them...