The Top 2 At Worlds!



With groups about to start, has just finished off their Top 20 at Worlds list, with the top 2 spots not really being a surprise.  Coming in at the top of the pack we have the best ADC in the world in imp and the best League of Legends player ever Faker!  These guys not only dominate their positions, but warp the game themselves, putting pressure on the map just by being in the game.  The opposition must always account for the actions of imp and Faker, if they don’t, they will end up digging their own graves.  But just don’t take my word for it, lets listen to what Leah Jackson has to say about LGD’s star imp:

imp’s perpetual pressure is a sight to behold. No longer does he just go to a lane — he controls it. True to his name, imp fights disrespectfully and playfully on LGD, exhibiting a mentality that says, “I’m much, much better than you.” And if his opponents prove him right, imp makes sure they never forget it. He’ll return to lane repeatedly, giggling as he shoves his advantage in an adversary’s face, playing as if he’s invincible. Even when he’s lower level than an enemy, or the weaker champion in a matchup, it still won’t prevent him from going for — and usually winning — the 1v1 outplay.

His champion pool is vast and diverse, even including the oddball Twitch (or Miss Fortune!) when he’s not hopping around on Kalista or spitting death with Kog’Maw. Whatever the champion, when imp’s oft-roaming support Pyl does stay by his side, the duo is strong enough to win a 2v2 and easily torment opponents out of lane. Yet imp doesn’t depend on him, freeing Pyl to head off and bring advantages to other lanes.


When up against LGD you are forced to bring extra resources to deal with him.  2 people aren’t even enough to hold him back.  And yet, you may just need an entire team to deal with Faker, just listen to Frank Fields talk about what he can do in game:

In lane he is extremely aggressive. He contests every CS his opponents try to grab, harasses them relentlessly at all stages, and then after dominating opponents in lanes, tries to get his teammates ahead on the rest of the map. Outside of the laning phase, Faker subjugates opponents in any number of ways.

On assassins, he’ll find isolated opponents to delete from the map. On fighters, he carefully determines when to enter the fray and which targets to bring down — whether he’s applying pressure to the frontline or trying to zero out squishies on the enemy backline, he always makes the right choice. On mages and marksmen, Faker is able to position in his team’s backline to deal damage from a safe position, or he can just as easily take an opportune moment to aggressively attack an enemy carry.

From a gameplay standpoint, he’s near perfect. His decision making is precise and he does it all playing a myriad of different styles.


What can you do against these two?  Not much, as these two are on track to potential meet in the finals, but you never know.  There are plenty of hungry teams out there, and we here would like to see some underdogs preform, especially western teams like CLG and Fnatic.  Get hyped because groups are coming, check out more on imp here and get the full article on Faker here.  Enjoy Worlds and check in to get recaps from us daily!


Author: JTRex

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