Worlds is now fast approaching, only a week away from the start of group play and we are enjoying the build up from, lets check out today’s addition to the top 20 of Worlds list. At number 14 we have Fnatic’s carry top laner Huni! The Spring Split Rookie winner has shown a ton of energy in and out of games. Even if you aren’t a Fnatic fan, there is just something about Huni that draws you to him, just listen to what Josh Augustine has to say:
You want to fight, bro? Huni will take you on. Fnatic’s top laner doesn’t care if he’s 1v1 in lane, 1v4 under his turret, or 5v5 in the Baron pit — he’ll go toe-to-toe with anyone brave enough to come at him.
Time and time again, Huni has outplayed his opponents in lane to relieve pressure for the rest of his team. He plays with confidence, finding a way to exploit the current situation and then making his stand when he knows he has the advantage.
Huni needs to be kept in check if you want to win against Fnatic. Just like the top laner at #14, LCK’s Summer Series MVP SSumday. Having finally reached Worlds, SSumday is looking to make an impact, just like he does in game. Emily Rand talks about SSumday’s strengths in game:
This year, Ssumday has learned to temper his excitement with stronger decision-making. There is no top laner in the world who makes the most of their opportunities quite like Ssumday, and it only takes one gank to get the ball rolling. A creative team, KT is also not above trying different strategies to leverage Ssumday’s carry potential, including innovative lane swaps. Even if he’s not racking up early kills, Ssumday amasses large CS and gold leads off of the slightest advantage.
Once he has an edge, Ssumday’s aggressive tendencies kick in. He uses every bit of his lead to exploit his opponent’s weaknesses while the rest of KT Rolster seizes map control, using Ssumday’s advantages to spread their adversaries thin.
Give SSumday an inch and he will take your Nexus. KT Rolsters will be a force in groups for any team that cannot deal with SSumday. There is more on these amazing top laners over in the full articles, along with some video highlights, so check out Huni here, and SSumday here.