Doublelift has taken his carry role to the max while he has been training with CLG in Korea. Solo Queue there is highly competitive and action happens all the time. Perfect place to practice your mechanics with plenty of fights to grab a Pentakill. Doublelift racked up a bunch the other day, 4 from what I was reading, but I can only find 3. Still, I am pretty sure after a few years of playing League of Legends, I only have one under my belt, and it was not in the most competitive ranked setting. It was ARAM, but still amazing, not as amazing as these 3 though, check them out! See why many pros rank Doublelift as one of the World’s best carries!
90% to kill Jinx after pushing her away, how do you calculate that so fast?!?!
Okay people, stop giving Doublelift Tristana, you will never win a game that way!
Okay not a Tristana one….they let him have Mordekaiser….GG